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When your Pet Needs a Specialist Evaluation and it is Not Readily Available?
Telemedicine consults bridge the gap when Specialists are not readily available

Connect your pet quickly for a virtual Vet 2 Specialist consult: Same or next day service available
Your Vet connects on a customized virtual platform to the Specialist: no travel or challenges to schedule specialist appointment
Specialists reviews all clinical information- records, labs, imaging, pics, videos and can perform live remote exam all while corroborating with your veterinarian
Specialist generates report with recommendations and available for follow-up questions. An expert serves as a resource for your pets care.
Your Vet can easily book a Telemedicine Specialist 2 Vet Consult
Your Vet just needs to register and go to Book a Consult Page (in menu above)

The Consult Workflow
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